
The Hypothyroidism Revolution is a natural and lasting treatment

Hypothyroidism Diet

Hypothyroidism Diet

Hypothyroidism and Diet

Hypothyroidism diet , Pcture of healthy food in basket.

Your diet,can be a major contributing factor in the onset of Hypothyroidism.  especially as it’s a hormonal disparity caused when your thyroid is not producing sufficient thyroid hormone. The gland produces and discharges two hormones.

  1. 1.      Thyroxine (T4).
  2. 2.      Triiodothyronine (T3).

 Diet and Hormones

Thyroid hormones affect every cell and all the organs of the body. Too much thyroid hormone speeds things up and too little thyroid hormone slows things down.

Thyroid Hormones:-

  • Regulate the degree at which your body uses calories (your metabolism). Affecting weight loss or gain.
  • Affects your heart rate.
  • Affects your body temperature.
  • Modifies how quickly food travels through your digestive tract.
  • Affects muscle strength.
  • Regulates the speed your body replenishes dying cells.

What are the Symptoms of Hypothyroidism?

The most common are:

1)     Fatigue.

2)     Intolerance to cold.

3)     Weight gain.

4)     Constipation.

5)     Aches.

6)     Dry skin.

7)     Lifeless hair.

8)     Mental instability or depression.

9)     Muscle weakness.

10)  Poor memory,

11)  Lethargy and headaches.

12)  Deep slow speech

13)  Loss of hair

14)  Cold hands and feet.

15)  Pale thick skin.

16)  Brittle nails.

17)  Swelling of the face and eyelids.

18)  Excessive and painful menstrual flow.

19)  Nervousness and palpitations.

How to confirm you have Hypothyroidism?

A doctor can perform a thyroid test. You can also conduct the following simple self-test at home:

 Hypothyroidism Test, Sleeping Woman

  1.  Sleep through a full night. (This test won’t work if you have been up or have been to the toilet.)    
  2. When you are awake but still in bed, take your temperature in your armpit. Do this and record the temperatures 3 days in a row. A normal reading in between, 97.8 – 98.2 F (36.5 – 36.7 C).      
  3. A reading below 97.8 F (36.6 C) would indicate hypothyroid activity. (Above 98.2 would indicate hyperthyroid activity (an overactive Thyroid)).     
  4. If you are menstruating, take your temperature on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th day of the period.

Contributory Effects

Hypothyroidism and Diet, Pic of ThermometerEffects that contribute to Hypothyroidism are undernourishment, and thyroid and pituitary fatigue due to excessive caffeine, sugar, alcohol and other stimulants. Undernourishment does not necessarily mean shortage of nourishment, but a poor diet of processed and unhealthy foods which are not nutritious. Other environmental factors include the ingestion of fluoridated water, and pesticides and radiation.


A note for Women

Generally about one in eight women will be diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The problem often shows between 30 and 50, during the hormonal changes. When you enter this age bracket, it is advantageous to beware of this issue and look out for the symptoms. By “nipping it in the bud’ you can spare yourself unnecessary suffering.


Hypothyroidism and Diet Treatment.

Hormone Replacement Medication.

The medical profession generally proscribes a thyroid hormone replacement medicine, which is taken daily. Once the correct dosage is found it works by bringing your thyroid hormone levels up to the correct level.  This is not a cure you will need to take this treatment for the rest of your life and it will have to be monitored to ensure the dosage remains correct.

Hypothyroidism and Diet

It is well known that alternative treatments can work well in treating hypothyroidism, especially when the approach involves nutrition. With hypothyroidism and Diet, recovery from low thyroid function using a dietary option has been used has been very successful.

Natural treatments try to resolve the underlying causes of poor health rather than simply treat the symptoms. Experience has shown that hypothyroidism diet treatments can reverse low levels thyroid function, well before the development of permanent thyroid disease. Success in this hangs on how early we intervene and on the extent to which autoimmune antibodies are present.

The truth is that there is so much more that you can do to treat hypothyroidism than what your doctor may or may not recommend. In some circumstances medical treatment is the necessary option but in the majority of circumstances there is a natural and healthy treatment option available, which you owe it to yourself to try. Not only can it improve your health and reduce or eradicate the symptoms but it can enhance your lifestyle and increase your life expectancy.

Tom Brimeyer (Hypothyroidism Revolution) explains how following his hypothyroidism diet plan is by far the biggest factor in overcoming hypothyroidism.  Even if you are doing everything correctly, using the best available supplements or medicine, if your diet is wrong, then you will be fighting your battle against Hypothyroidism for the rest of your life.

To find out more and start your journey to a healthier and more proactive life, free from the constraints of Hypothyroidism, watch Toms video CLICK HERE where he explains about Hypothyroidism Diet and his own journey and how it empowered him to a healthier and happy lifestyles.